8.2.7. Body measure/track pay scale gender equit
The employees of the Lebanese University are subject to the provisions of the law of working in public sector (46/2017). Therefore, the wages are legal and based on the salary scale law raising the salaries of LU professors issued in 206/2012 for the wages of the professors. These laws stipulate gender equity.Â
Lebanese University promotes decent work and economic growth for the sake of enhancing all staff, the faculty, and students' performance. In this sense, Lebanese University does not have a policy on pay scale equity but including a commitment to measurement and elimination of gender pay gaps.Â
There is no gender pay gap in the Lebanese University, rule everything about the Lebanese Labor Law.Â
In Lebanon, all employees are subject to the guidelines set by the labor law. An employer may demand a maximum of 48 regular hours per week from his employees. Under special circumstances, employers are permitted to add extra hours to an employee’s regular shift, but this requires a permit from the Ministry of Labor.
In Lebanon, the minimum wage in the public and private sectors is set by the government. In addition to the minimum wage, a salary scale also applies to the public sector. This is based on the position and rank of the respective employee. There is a need to establish a salary adjustment system that is transparent (covering all employees and remuneration components); predictable (also for pension costs); and based on productivity and performance measures.
Was established in 1977 under Decree No. 80, which subordinated it to the oversight of the Ministry of Labor, noting that it enjoys both legal personality and financial and administrative independence. In particular, handles the following:
Establishment and supervision of employment offices in Beirut and all Lebanese regions.Â
Combating unemployment by securing a high rate of employment.Â
Improving the organization of the labour market.Â
Promoting projects that impact on the labor market.Â
Helping develop the skills of the labor force.Â
Conducting studies and research aimed at determining the general employment policy.Â
In this context, the board of directors of the NEO included parties that are supposed to represent the parties concerned, where Lebanese University is present. In addition to the Minister of Labour and the Director-General of the Ministry, the NEO includes 5 members representing employers in various economic sectors, 5 members representing the CGTL, and 3 members representing the Lebanese University, the Directorate of Professional and Technical Education, and the Center for Research and Development respectively.

It has been conventionally agreed to consider the university professor tantamount to the judge in terms of status and salary. Following the approval of the judges’ salary scale, the Lebanese University professors also claimed the salary amendment and their demand was met pursuant to Law no. 206 of 2012. The LU professors’ salaries were hiked between 66% for the last grade professors and 78% for the first-grade ones (regardless if they are men or women). They were also awarded two exceptional grades and the worth of the grade increased from LBP 142,000 to LBP 225,000 as illustrated below. The pay of an LU professor thus varies between LBP 3.7 million as a starting amount up to LBP 8.425 million.Â
According to Lebanese law, teachers who work for more than 40 years are eligible to receive a lifetime pension and an end-of-service lump-sum compensation, while those who work for 20 to 40 years must choose between taking the end-of-service lump sum and receiving a lifetime pension. Â
Highest-Paid State EmployeesÂ
LU teaching staff is employed on two types of contracts: full-time and pro-rata or hourly contracts.Â
After two years of working on a pro-rata contract, professors’ names are submitted to the education minister for approval to be upgraded to a full-time contract.Â
With this information, the Lebanese University makes a measurement of payments so that they are equal for women and men, and only depend on their levels and there is no discrimination. Because it is a public university, it must be governed by the laws of Lebanon and follow its measurements and restrictions.