12.2.2.Policy on waste disposal covering hazardous materials
Lebanese University reduces the production of garbage and reduces food losses along the production and supply chains in order to improve the performance of all staff, faculty, and students. In this sense, the Lebanese University has a policy on waste disposal covering hazardous materials.
An agreement has been reached with Arcenciel (the only institution in Lebanon that manages medical waste disposal) for the disposal of hazardous material from some locations of the faculty of public health and it is being currently expanded.
In 2003, with help from LIFE (EU financial instrument) and AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development), arcenciel developed a network for Infectious Healthcare Waste (IHCW) to better address the untreated combustion and disposal of infectious hospital waste.
Since then, arcenciel has developed a hospital waste management guide in collaboration with the French Development Agency (AFD). Today, the network treats more than 80% of the health care waste generated in Lebanon.

Institut national de la recherche Agronomique
The Lebanese University established an agreement with the Institut national de la recherche Agronomique INRA, on 28 May 2019, aiming to collaborate in the different areas of common interest in particular in the areas of wastewater and solid waste management and treatment and to facilitate and develop exchanges of information between their scientists.
INRA is Europe’s top agricultural research institute and the world’s number two center for the agricultural sciences. Its scientists are working towards solutions for society’s major challenges.
In addition to involvement in the ERANET ARIMNET projects and CEDRE program with Lebanon, INRA collaborates with Lebanese research institutions across INRA’s five priority thematic areas.
The complete list of INRA’s publications with Lebanon can be found in the ProdInra database. During the period 2014 - 2017, INRA co-authored 58 publications in peer reviewed journals with Lebanon, therefore Lebanon is ranked as the 48th highest partner country for INRA (source: Web of ScienceTM Clarivate Analytics). The main research institutions that co-publish with INRA are listed below.
Under the slogan "For a clean environment, reducing pollution and recovering the largest percentage of recyclable materials", with a donation from USAID and the United Nations Development Program, and within the "Al- Faihaa Sort " project, on April 4, 2019, two containers (sorting cages) were delivered to college Arts and Humanities - Third branch at the Lebanese University. This step comes within a project that aims to distribute such containers to universities, schools, official and private institutes and institutions in Tripoli, with the support of the Union of Fayha Municipalities, Tripoli, the port, Beddawi and Qalamoun, in cooperation with Lavaget and AMB Contracting
Hussein and Al-Samarraji explained the importance and dimensions of this environmental project, announcing the creation of twenty-three sorting points in the streets of Tripoli, the aim of which is to enhance the volume of goods and the rational disposal of waste. Hussein and Al-Samarji indicated that the project is carried out in partnership between the public and private sectors and aims to get rid of waste, and to play an educational and guidance role for citizens, provided that these items are collected and sold in a way that reduces the burden on the municipalities on the one hand, and contributes to the exploitation of what is sold to employ some of those who want part-time on the one hand Other.
It is noteworthy that the hand-over process was accompanied by the distribution of awareness leaflets and posters for students, where a seminar in the College of Arts (3) was organized, under the supervision of specialists and experts in this field.
On February 4, 2019, at the request of the administration and students of the Faculty of Engineering - First Branch at the Lebanese University (Environmental and Social Volunteering Club), the Fayhaa Municipalities Union provided two containers to sort waste from the source and it was distributed on the campus in the north.
According to the initiative launched by the "Engineering", the two containers were distributed on campus, provided that the faculties of engineering, science, and arts are able to participate in this mission, which takes into account the conditions for screening and preserving the environment in the university and society.
On February 13, 2019, the Environmental Scout Organization in Lebanon launched a new school campaign to raise environmental awareness in the field of waste sorting from the source for 2019, within the framework of the existing cooperation with the Municipality of Tripoli and the students of the Lebanese University - Faculty of Public Health. The campaign included a practical training activity on sorting, recycling and reuse, and an explanation of the risks posed by the wrong treatment of household waste, through interactive games and presentations by the participants.
On February 6, 2019, in cooperation with the Municipality of Furn Al-Shubbak - Ain Al-Rummaneh - Hawita Al-Nahr, the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture - the second branch of the Lebanese University organized an environmental day during which it launched a waste sorting project in the college in specific containers.
The Environmental Day, which aims to spread clean and sustainable environmental awareness at the level of the university in particular and the country in general, was attended by the head of the Municipal Council and the President of the Southern Matn Municipalities Union Raymond Samaan who contributed to the provision of containers and coordination with the ( City Blu ) to collect the waste sorted periodically. After the words that explained the mechanism of work and the educational, social and environmental goal of this activity, all participated in a campaign of cleanliness and field screening in the college.
On April 15, 2019, a number of professors and students organized an activity including waste collection and sorting on the “Saint Simon Beach”, in cooperation with the “Dahiyati Tafroz” campaign, following the initiative of the Environmental Committee and the EcoGreen Club of the Lebanese University – Faculty of Public Health (Branch 1).
The Lebanese University participated in the project AQUACYCLE ENI CBC MED that is set to bring an eco-innovative wastewater treatment technology that will consist of anaerobic digestion, constructed wetlands and solar treatment for the cost-effective treatment of urban wastewater with minimal costs of operation and maximum environmental benefits.
Reclaimed municipal wastewater is considered as a valuable non-conventional water resource (NCWR). Unfortunately, a substantial number of wastewater treatment plants installed in the Mediterranean region have proven unsuccessful copies of western-based treatment system concepts. Besides their high operational and maintenance costs, these systems are often unsuited to address the local challenges of wastewater treatment. As a result, treated municipal water is commonly underexploited throughout the region. To address these challenges, AQUACYCLE is set to bring an eco-innovative wastewater treatment technology that will consist of anaerobic digestion, constructed wetlands and solar treatment for the cost-effective treatment of urban wastewater with minimal costs of operation and maximum environmental benefits.
The Lebanese University is also committed to a set of agreements with local municipal institutions and councils, in the fields of environment, pollution, production, consumption, waste recycling, urban planning and planning, including:
The Lebanese University agreement with the Municipality of Zgharta – Ehden
In short, any solution to the problem of pollution and waste in Lebanon must be based on political will and long-term strategic planning, and not through technical, engineering and phased solutions.
The best and primary solution is for municipalities and municipal unions to take the initiative to sort waste from the source, starting with sorting organic and inorganic waste, provided that the work is monitored and organized by the municipal police.
Several municipalities have established laboratories for sorting their waste, such as Bikfaya, Abey, Ruwaisat al-Ballout and others, with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
"UNESCO Club" students from the Faculty of Arts (5) are organizing a campaign to clean up the Al-Ghazia beach.
In cooperation with the Student House and Youth Association, students from the UNESCO Club of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Branch V of the Lebanese University, on June 28, 2020, organized a campaign to clean the beach in the Al- Ghaziyya, which included awareness campaigns and the distribution of guidance brochures that help protect the marine environment.
The campaign was launched in the presence of the Director of the Faculty of Arts (5), Dr. Nassif Nehme, the president of the Association of Youth Houses, Bilal Ghaddar, the mayor of Al-Ghaziyeh, Ahmed Khalifa, civil and educational personalities and a group of students from the school.
The most important thing is that the agreement is flexible and may involve any third party when needed. It allows to secure specialists to participate in research, teaching and environmental guidance through the exchange of expertise.
The Minister of the Environment, Muhammad Al-Machnouk, signed a cooperation agreement with the President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Adnan Al-Sayed Hussein, aimed at promoting the environmental sector, rehabilitating the damaged environment, and spreading agricultural awareness and environment in Lebanon.
The signing ceremony was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Lebanese University, Dr. Samir Al-Mudawar, the Head of the Department of the Environment of the College, Dr. Nadine Nassif, Dr. Abdel Halim Mneimneh, the Advisor to the Minister of the Environment, Dr. Manal Muslim, Dr. Youssef Dougan and various heads of departments of the ministry.
In his welcoming speech to the Lebanese University delegation, Minister Al-Machnouk said: “We meet today with the Lebanese University, which we are proud of as the main resource for the results of university education in most countries. official departments and private institutions. It constitutes at least half of the university students in Lebanon, and with this expansion and the number of specializations that it was able to cover all the job opportunities available in Lebanon, the region and the world. "