Mehdi Ghenaoui and Mia Karam won the championship of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture - Second Branch / Lebanese University in table tennis, which was organized by coach David Sayegh with the help of university pastoral work and under the supervision of the sports activity officer in the second branches Elias Khairallah.
The tournament opened in the presence of the Director of the Faculty, Dr. Christian Sfeir, and the Secretary, Dr. Habib Al-Jurdi, and Ghenawi won first place by defeating Youhanna Moukheiber in the final match with a score of 3-1, while Karam beat Teresa Daher 3-<>.
In conclusion, Sfeir and Al-Jurdi imitated the winners and the winners of their medals.

A group of professors of the Faculty of Education at the Lebanese University toured a number of public and private secondary schools in all Lebanese regions, with the aim of introducing final grade students and members of the educational and administrative staff to the competencies of the Faculty of Education in the bachelor's and master's degrees and the fields of work in it.
In coordination with the Directorate General of Education, the college's professors visited more than 130 public and private secondary schools in all governorates, and answered the questions of students and secondary school teachers related to the fields of study in the College of Education and the applied and vocational skills they will acquire during their studies, in addition to training opportunities in preparation for their entry into the labor market and the completion of studies in the college or outside.
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Team A from the Faculty of Law, Political and Administrative Sciences – Fifth Branch at the Lebanese University won the title of the spring session of "Mini Football", which was organized by the Sports Office at the Faculty at Jinan University Stadium in coordination with the Department of Sports Activity at the Lebanese University.
The course was played by 4 teams: a team "A" and "B" from the Faculty of Law (5), a team from the Faculty of Arts (5) and a team from Jinan University.
Rights A defeated Al-Jinan 3-3 in the final after Al-Haq A defeated Al-Haq B 1-2, and Al-Jinan defeated Al-Adab 1-<>.
The course was supervised by the sports activity officer in the fifth branches, Bilal Juma'a, and its matches were led by coaches Muhammad Al-Baba and Mustafa Jamal.
On the other hand, the table tennis championship for the fifth branches will be organized in the courtyard of the Faculty of Law, Political and Administrative Science, starting from ten in the afternoon on Monday, June 13, 2023

Ali Al-Reda Ali Kanaan, a first-year student of physical education and sports at the Faculty of Education at the Lebanese University, won first place in the Lebanese General Cross Country Championship 2022 for the age groups under 20 years (males and females), which was organized by the Lebanese Athletics Federation on March 6, 2022 at Our Lady of Jamhour School with the participation of 297 runners from 19 federal clubs.
In the Turkish national indoor championship, which was organized between February 24 and 28, 2022, Kanaan participated in the 1500m and 3000m races and was able to break the Lebanese national records in the two distances for the youth category under the age of twenty.
Kanaan has won the title of Lebanese champion in the Lebanese Federation Cup for the age groups 2021 for the youth category under the age of twenty years in the 5000,10000-meter and <>,<>-meter races, and he is currently preparing to participate in the Arab Youth Athletics Championship that will be organized in Egypt next May.
Kanaan aspires to qualify to represent Lebanon in the Olympic Games and win a gold medal, and considers that participation is a dream for him and will not back down from it because nothing is impossible.
Regarding his choice of the Faculty of Education to pursue his scientific and practical studies in the field of physical education and sports, Kanaan said: "It is known that the graduate of the Lebanese University succeeds with his competence, and it is also known that the certificate he holds is valuable and recognized globally, and therefore obtaining a certificate from the Lebanese University will facilitate my entry into the local or international labor market."

The Lebanese University won a gold, three silver and a bronze medal in the University Athletics Championships, which was organized on the afternoon of Friday, June 2, 2023 at the Camille Chamoun Sports City track in Beirut.
Ammar Hammoud (College of Education) won gold in the 400m hurdles with a time of 1,03,77 minutes, and silver in the 110-meter hurdles (16.31 seconds).
Charbel Mansour (Higher Institute of Applied and Economic Sciences – Kanam) came second in the 3,10m (12,46,7 minutes), while Maryse Nassour (College of Education) ranked second in the shot put (87.4m) and third in the long jump (26.<>m).
The students of the Lebanese University were accompanied by the coach in the Department of Sports Activity, Ahmed Hazer, Vice President of the Association of Universities.
On the other hand, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 3, 2023, the Sports City Racecourse witnessed attempts to break Lebanese records organized by the "Inter Lebanon" club under the supervision of the Lebanese Athletics Federation. Ali Mortada (College of Education) broke the 1000m record with a time of 2,24,00 minutes and thus copied Peter Khoury's record of 2,24,68 minutes.