17.2.1. Direct involvement in national government SDG policy development
Lebanese University halves the global food waste and reduces food losses along production and supply chains for the sake of enhancing all staff, the faculty, and students' performance. In this sense, the Lebanese University has direct involvement in, or input into, national government SDG policy development - including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modeling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management.
Since the ultimate function of the university is to provide youth with quality education, it has the responsibility to advocate the importance of SDGs in research, institutional culture, cooperation with other universities or organizations and preparing public-mindful leaders.
Subsequently, the university must provide research knowledge, innovations, and solutions towards achieving the SDGs. It must also advocate for faculty members to help students to set up projects, activities, campaigns, helping to promote the importance of being an active member of society. It must also cooperate with other institutions for higher education, and private and public organizations to identify educational problems and potential solutions in order to create a more sustainable, inclusive and innovative world. Also, the university is a powerful institution that provides teaching. Learning inside the classroom isn’t enough to ensure graduates who can translate what they have learned in books to real-world applications.
The International Relations Office (IRO) at the Lebanese University supports the University's strategy to enhance cooperation and exchange expertise and cultures in various fields of higher education with local, Arab and international universities.
In this regard, the International Relations Office (IRO) promotes the exchange of researchers, professors, students and staff, develops bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements, participates in international research and studies projects, prepares European projects, joins international organizations and networks for higher education and participates in the organization of international cultural and scientific events (seminars, conferences, reception of delegations ...).
A- Cooperation agreements with universities:
The IRO facilitates the conclusion of new scientific cooperation agreements with local and international universities and renewal of expired agreements. The number of agreements concluded is currently 340, including 150 agreements signed since 2017.
The Lebanese University cooperates with local and international universities through the conclusion of framework agreements to regulate the general provisions of this cooperation, such as the exchange of professors, students, experts, teaching and training programs, modern technologies, and joint supervision of master's thesis and doctoral dissertations. The international universities include, for example, but not limited to the French, Italian, Spanish, Belgian, Swiss, American, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Iranian, Chinese, Turkish, Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, and Jordanian universities.
B- Cooperation agreements with Lebanese ministries, municipalities and bodies:
The aim of these agreements is to strengthen cooperation with national or international institutions operating in Lebanon and local community organizations in order to open the horizons of training and work for our students and secure scholarships and others. Among the agreements:
§ Agreement with the Center for Educational Research and Development (CERD), signed on 26 April 2018, to develop educational programs and higher education;
§ Agreement with the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Francophone University Association (AUF), signed on 23 February 2018, to provide joint grants to doctoral students;
§ Agreement with the Ministry of Public Health, signed on 5 May 2018, to train students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences on programs for family medicine in the Ministry;
§ Agreement with the Ministry of Youth & Sports and UNICEF, signed on 11 July 2018, to establish and equip GIL laboratories within the Generation Pioneering Ideas Program in three branches of the Lebanese University;
§ A cooperation agreement with Nudge Lebanon, signed on 17 January 2019, to exchange programs on behavioral economics and nudge process at the University to support the capacities of students, professors and participants in these programs and establish a behavioral economic laboratory at the Lebanese University;
§ Agreement with Challenge to Change, signed on 11 August 2018, to develop training programs at the Center of Profession, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Centre MINE). The agreement aims to support the innovation capabilities of young women at the University in the economic sector and exchange new technologies in order to facilitate their participation in the labor market and provide them with the required expertise.
§ Agreement with the Association of Business Men and Women (RDCL) in the world, signed on 18 September 2018, to support the Lebanese University, strengthen the relationship between the universities and institutions, and provide job opportunities for Lebanese University students in the Lebanese and foreign markets;
§ Agreement with the Municipality of Tripoli, signed on 17 May 2018, to exchange expertise and training in environmental, engineering and social programs;
§ Agreement with the Municipality of Zgharta-Ehden, signed on 31 May 2018, to exchange expertise and training in environmental, engineering and social programs.
C- Development of the work with the French Institute:
§ The IRO is keen to pursue cooperation with the French Institute and constantly develop this cooperation. It aims to support the students and benefit from the grants allocated for this purpose within the programs of the French Institute, and support visiting professors from universities that work within the framework of agreements for the development of scientific exchange, training of students and joint supervision of masters and dissertations.
§ Cooperate with the French Ministry of Education to activate the work within the programs of quality assurance and accreditation of the University and academic programs in the faculties, in addition to the financial support of the French Institute for the project of evaluation and accreditation by the Higher Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES).
§ Scholarships offered by the French Institute for the Eight First Students in the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences for the purpose of conducting language training through advanced educational programs at the French Cavilam de Vichy.
§ Establishment of joint doctoral grants known as SAFAR.
D- Enhancing cooperation with the Francophone University Association (AUF)
The Lebanese University signed a cooperation agreement on 23 February 2018, with the Francophone University Association (AUF) and the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) to:
§ Secure joint financial support to joint doctoral students in various specializations;
§ Secure financial support for the evaluation and approval of the curricula of the Faculty of Engineering by the Commission des titres d'ingénieur (CTI) France;
§ Secure financial support from the Francophonie University Association (AUF) for a large number of conferences held at the Lebanese University;
§ Enhance the participation of researchers and professors in the various scientific and cultural programs adopted by the Francophonie University Association (AUF);
§ Strengthen cooperation between the Lebanese University and the Francophonie University Association (AUF) to hold lectures and prepare seminars.
§ The Lebanese University cooperates with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Lebanon to support the doctoral school and PhD students in Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences, and with UNICEF to audit the administrative work of the Central Administration within an agreement signed on 19 December 2018.
§ The Lebanese University collaborates with the European Union to activate ERASMUS+, and is currently involved in more than 65 European projects. This year, the University submitted more than 50 project proposals for the creation of joint masters with European universities and exchange of students.
Among the most important projects recently obtained by the University
§ “Free” project to improve the role of women in higher education with the Mediterranean universities;
§ “Morale” project to develop curricula and the role of institutions of higher education in helping Syrian students in universities;
§ “HEBA” project to develop high-quality energy and utility programs;
§ “Digital” project to improve the digital education methods in the health fields in Lebanon and Syria;
§ “LEBPASS” project to conceptualize certificate appendices.
The following projects are also in progress:
§ TLQAA+ project which aims to propose and establish frameworks for the recognition and equivalence of national certificates according to internationally adopted recognition and quality systems;
§ “HOPES” project related to support higher education for Syrian refugees and Lebanese students;
§ “HEEAP” project in collaboration with the British Council to support English language education;
§ The scholarship program launched by MADAD Fund with 4 partners in addition to Lebanon, Egypt, Northern Iraq, Jordan and Turkey;
§ “E-TALEB” project on professional standards for university education;
§ “RESUME” project, which includes a number of Arab and European universities (UNIMED);
§ “RESCUE” project on higher education for Syrian refugees and their enrollment in the university

According to the QS report for 2024, the Lebanese University's ranking at the global level has risen to 577th globally after it was in the 601-650 university category in 2023.
Of the seven Lebanese universities evaluated in the QS World Rankings 2024, the Lebanese University ranked first locally in terms of the professional reputation index/any employer opinion, and second locally at the level of academic reputation.
The QS report pointed to the importance of a set of specializations covered by the faculties and institutes of the Lebanese University, most notably the medical, natural, engineering, technological, social, management sciences, arts and humanities.
The findings of the newly released QS report were based on a number of criteria, most notably professional reputation, academic reputation and the percentage of foreign students and professors.
The Lebanese University was ranked among the first hundred international universities (51-100) and the first locally in the specialization of petroleum engineering, and between the first hundred and fifty international universities (101-150) and the first locally in the specialization of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, based on the QS report at the level of specializations for the year 2023.

The Lebanese University, represented by its President Dr. Bassam Badran, signed an agreement with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Technology (TAG-Tech), represented by the Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), in a ceremony organized at the Central Administration Building – Museum.
The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Education and Higher Education in the caretaker government Dr. Abbas Al-Halabi, the Minister of Industry in the caretaker government George Bouchikian, the Minister of Youth and Sports in the caretaker government Dr. George Kallass, the Minister of Labor in the caretaker government Mustafa Bayram, the former Minister of Industry Imad Hoballah, MPs Bilal Hashimi, Ashraf Beydoun, Asaad Dergham, Mohamed Hajjar and Adnan Traboulsi, President of the Audit Bureau Judge Mohamed Badran, President of the General Labor Union Bechara Al-Asmar, President of the State Shura Council Judge Fadi Elias, President of the Shura Council Chamber Judge Fatima Al-Sayegh, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Association of Full-Time Professors at the Lebanese University Dr. Antoine Charbel and a number of judges, deans, directors, professors, administrators and media professionals.
After the national anthem and the anthem of the Lebanese University, Dr. Ali Rammal delivered a welcoming speech in which he stressed that the Lebanese University is entering the stage of technological industrialization due to its partnership with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization, thus keeping pace with the changes taking place in the role of universities to build the most advanced economies.
Minister Al-Halabi then spoke and considered that "this day is not ordinary in the history of the Lebanese University, but it constitutes a turning point that gives it the status of a productive university, and we are working with its president, Dr. Badran, to make this a reality despite the difficult and sometimes impossible circumstances. We faced all obstacles and obstacles and provided the elements of the university's resilience in the absence of its council, and here is its headquarters that will become a factory for the production of electronic devices from Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Technology Company and provide opportunities for practical technical training for university students and others, with the "Made in Lebanon" stamp.
He added: "Today's event is an act of faith in the university and education as a way to advance, so how can a university - in light of difficult conditions and collapses that are reflected in all sectors - keep pace with technology and modernity and reorganize its affairs and structure its conditions at a time when many institutions are collapsing?"
He continued: "It is the Lebanese university, which still has an asset, educational and academic capabilities and faculties that raise its name in the Arab countries and the world, and the best evidence of this is the QS World University Ranking for the year 2024, which confirmed its academy by ranking 577 globally and the second Lebanese and giving it an advanced position in the professional reputation scale, in which it competes with the most important Arab and international universities."
Minister Halabi pointed out that the manufacture, assembly and production of electronic devices at the Lebanese University in agreement with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Technology Company will give the only public university in Lebanon a push to progress further, not only in the rankings, but also in restoring its leadership in parallel with the efforts being made to obtain international accreditation systems to enhance the opportunities of its students and graduates in the labor markets.
Minister Al-Halabi concluded by saying: "Today, the university opens a new page, and we will continue to protect it and open pages of reform and development until we can approve its files and restore with it the powers of the university presidency and its council to manage itself according to its needs and to consolidate its position in higher education as an academic university for scientific research."
For his part, Minister Bouchikian considered that this agreement, which will transform the Lebanese University into a productive university, confirms that we have in Lebanon many human and intellectual capabilities, planning and organization, and that the start today from the Lebanese University will be towards production and development.
He added: "We, as the Ministry of Industry, will issue an industrial certificate in the name of the Lebanese University to confirm this joint project between the Lebanese University and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Technology Company, as this is a breakthrough for a promising and important sector, and it is a step we need in this difficult time that we are going through in Lebanon, especially in the field of knowledge technology."
The President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Bassam Badran, addressed Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, saying: "You are always welcome to this national edifice, contributing to the development of the capabilities of the Lebanese University, in addition to the knowledge stations that you have set up in universities, we meet today to sign an agreement for the manufacture, assembly and production of electronic devices in one of the Lebanese University complexes. This step comes in support of the new strategy that the university is working on, which aims to transform into a productive university that we have begun to expand with the development of the health center and its services."
President Badran pointed out that the signing of the partnership agreement with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Technology Company will contribute to creating job opportunities for university students, in addition to learning and training opportunities and employing the expertise that the university embraces within its educational and research cadres, which include the faculties of engineering, science and management, the Institute of Technology and the specializations needed by the production line in the process of manufacturing, development, programming, marketing and management.
President Badran said: "We are betting on the success of this experiment and on its technical and material return to start from our future projects aimed at establishing a production line for some medicines, which we have all the necessary expertise to complete."
He added: "The Lebanese University has so far succeeded in transforming the crisis into success and we have entered strongly into the arena of national, regional and international competition, and thanks to the will of the university people of different academic, administrative and technical positions, we have overcome the possibility to continue to touch the strategy of transformation towards an advanced and productive university."
He continued: "On this occasion, we declare our agreement with Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh on the need for university education to keep pace with the requirements of the future and the rapid progress in the field of creativity and innovation in the knowledge society, in which everything is driven by computers and communication systems."
Addressing Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, President Badran concluded: "In my name and on behalf of the university family, which is distributed over more than a hundred centers in all Lebanese regions, we thank you for standing by the National University."
For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his pride in achieving this partnership with the Lebanese University, pointing out that it is a real partnership with equal responsibilities and results.
He added: "Because of this partnership, we provided the factory and it arrived and is now located on the university grounds. We don't talk about projects and promises, but we implement and then talk. The factory is here now and we will provide it with the necessary funding and technology. The biggest part of the partnership is the university's responsibility and role in effort and work."
Abu Ghazaleh pointed out that the production will be from this university and students will have the opportunity to learn and train on technology, and thus production will increase the Lebanese national product. He added: "The industry provides three basics of food, medicine and knowledge, and the knowledge industry is what we are talking about in today's project where we will produce (tablets, computers and smart phones)....

The Council for Women in Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) of the Society of Energy Engineers (AEE) awarded Dr. Farah Zein from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture at the Lebanese University the Sustainable mentorship award for 2023.
The award aims to recognize women active in the energy sectors from the MENA region, while the Council for Women in Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) offers an orientation program to support men and women in developing their careers in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy technology.
The awards were presented during the Women in Energy Summit hosted by the ESA Business School in Beirut.

The Lebanese University participated in the launch of the HPC4L facility to promote computing research in Lebanon, in a distinguished technology event organized at the Grand Serail at the invitation of the Ministry of Communications in cooperation with the High Performance Computing Steering Committee in Lebanon and sponsored by caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati.
The scientific event was attended by the President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Bassam Badran, the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Ali Kanj, the Executive Coordinator of the Informatics Resource Center in the Central Administration Dr. Mustafa Al-Sarji, the Director of Development at the Informatics Resource Center, Dr. Gilbert Saouma, and a number of directors and professors of the university's faculties.
The celebration program began with a video showing explaining the different stages of the project since its inception and highlighting Ogero's role in providing a state-of-the-art data center and high-speed international internet to operate.
Afterwards, the Head of Information Technology at the European Foundation for Nuclear Research in Geneva (CERN), Ms. Enrica Bourcari, pointed out that this work will provide many opportunities for young people in Lebanon to have tools that enable them to develop.
"Our software and devices rely on access to data and we reaffirm our commitment to supporting innovative initiatives."
Patricia McBride, an expert in physics and scientific cooperation, said the launch of the HPC Steering Committee is a major step in strengthening cooperation with Lebanese universities that are part of this project.
Among the speakers was the representative of the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Governance Project in Lebanon, Dr. Zaher Dawi, who pointed out that the facility, which consists of a very advanced infrastructure that includes thousands of computing centers with large and high connectivity, hoping to use this engine in an effective way through students, researchers and scientists.
For his part, Dr. Haitham Zaraket, Professor at the Lebanese University, researcher in the field of optical sciences and physics, and Scientific Director at HPC4L, gave a comprehensive overview of the facility's applications and capabilities.
Established in 4, HPC2018L is a partnership between public and private institutions to promote computing research in Lebanon with the support of the European Foundation for Nuclear Research (CERN).
Public Sector Partners: Ministry of Telecommunications in Lebanon, Ogero, National Center for Scientific Research and Lebanese University
Private Sector Partners: American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, Saint Joseph University, Beirut Arab University and Holy Spirit University of Kaslik.

Huawei honored Mohamed Dabbaja, a student at the Faculty of Science/Lebanese University, who won the second prize in the global final of the Huawei ICT Competition 2021-2022 Global Final.
The honoring took place during the launch ceremony of Huawei on October 25, 2022, the sixth session of the Information and Communication Technology Competition in Lebanon, in the presence of the Ministers of Communications and Labor in the caretaker government, Johnny Al-Qurm and Mustafa Bayram, the Dean of the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University, Professor Ali King, representing the President of the University, Prof. Bassam Badran, a number of professors of the Lebanese University and private universities, and experts in the world of technology and communications.
Dabaja had won the first prize of the competition in its Lebanese version and the second prize in the Middle Eastern version, then moved to the global final of it with Alan Nahra from the American University of Science and Technology (AUST), and a few days ago he finished his master's degree in computer science / web programming from the Faculty of Science.
It is noteworthy that the competition aims to stimulate innovation among university students and accelerate their integration into the ICT market to enhance their skills and raise the level of their expertise in order to support the digital transformation process in their countries.

Prof. Maha Hoteit from the Faculty of Public Health/Lebanese University won the 2022 L'Innovation Pédagogique Award from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.
The award of this prize aims to evaluate individual and collective projects related to educational innovation in French-speaking higher education and scientific research institutions, as well as to encourage the dissemination of educational innovation projects within the network of member institutions of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.
During the second edition of the World Francophonie Science Week, which was organized in Cairo from 25 to 28 October 2022, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie honored the international winners of the Educational Innovation Awards, including Professor Hoteit.
It is noteworthy that the activities of the second edition of the International Francophonie Scientific Week included the first conference for Francophone students and the second debate of the scientific francophonie with the participation of more than 500 research professors and experts, in addition to the launch of the "Francophone Network for Artificial Intelligence".

For the seventh consecutive year, Cisco Networking Academy is awarding Cisco Academy at the Lebanese University the Academic Excellence Award as a distinguished partner, based on the quality of training and service it provides to university students, professors, and administrators.
Despite all the challenges and difficult circumstances, the Cisco Academy at the Lebanese University, with its professors and students, was able to win the title of "Premier Partner" as one of the top 15% of the academies support centers globally.
The work of the Cisco Academy at the Lebanese University aims to include career paths with study plans for different disciplines to raise the level of students in preparation for their entry into the world of the digital economy and the labor market based on information technology and networks, in addition to graduating trainers from faculty members specialized in this field.

The Faculty of Agriculture at the Lebanese University has obtained the CTI-Commission des Titres d'Ingenieur accreditation in agricultural engineering - a long-standing accreditation concerned with ensuring the quality of specialized academic programs in engineering, and the European Quality Accreditation (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer) (EUR-ACE®️) in four agricultural engineering programs, for the next six years.
This achievement comes in light of the difficult circumstances that the country is going through, to contribute to improving the quality of higher education and the degree of agricultural engineering, especially since the agricultural sector is an essential pillar of the productive economy, an economy that we need these days.
This academic accreditation, which is the best that the European Quality Authority can offer, ensures clarity and transparency in all educational and administrative activities, and provides accurate and reliable information to students to help them complete their educational attainment and choose their fields of specialization, in addition to meeting their needs in line with international standards of education in the field of agricultural engineering, in order to secure the best job opportunities in Lebanon or abroad.
The Faculty of Agriculture at the Lebanese University, while expressing its pride and pride in this achievement, confirms the follow-up of the development plan in various fields to upgrade the Faculty and the mother university to the highest levels.

The Lebanese University maintained a high level of education with the certificate of international ranking institutions, and the report of the (QS – Quacquarelli Symonds) Foundation for the World University Rankings / 2022 placed the Lebanese University among the first universities globally and locally in terms of engineering, technology, petroleum engineering, medical and pharmaceutical sciences, arts and design.
Out of the 1543 international educational institutions that participated in the ranking, the Lebanese University ranked 390th globally in teaching all engineering and technology subjects, 201-230 in art and design education, 251-300 in pharmacy education, and 451-500 in medical sciences education.
According to figures based on the information provided for the academic year 2020-2021, the Lebanese University ranked first in Lebanon in teaching petroleum engineering, advertising and design arts, pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical sciences, while it ranked second in teaching informatics, chemical, electrical and electronic engineering, medical sciences and chemistry.
According to QS analytical data, the Lebanese University recorded remarkable progress at the global level in 2022 compared to the figures of 2021, and the petroleum engineering major ranked 51-100 in 2022 after it was ranked 101-150 in 2021, and medical sciences ranked 451-500 in 2022 after it was ranked 501-550 in 2021.
The Lebanese University has already achieved similar results in the QS World and Arab University Rankings during the past three years, especially at the level of higher education for university professors, its good academic reputation and professional reputation in the labor market, in addition to its wide presence on the Internet.
Beirut, April 6, 2022

The research project (PASTINNOVA), in which the Faculty of Agriculture / Lebanese University participated in cooperation with a number of partners within a scientific cooperation network sponsored by (AGRERI-Agricultural Economic Research Institute) and (Hellenic Agricultural Organization), has received the approval and funding of the European Commission within the program (PRIMA-2021) to support scientific research and innovation in the Mediterranean countries.
Building on the 2021 themes of section I PRIMA on stimulating the environmental, social and economic performance of small-scale farming systems through improved organizational aspects and new value chain management models, a group of researchers from Lebanon/Faculty of Agriculture at the Lebanese University, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and Cyprus prepared a joint research project on "Innovative models for a sustainable future for Mediterranean pasture systems" under the title (PASTINNOVA).
PASTINNOVA aims to enhance the sustainability, profitability and resilience of small pastoral farms by developing innovations and business and regulatory models to value their full potential and facilitate their access to markets, under the following headings:
Diagnosis through the presentation of innovative projects, practices and initiatives
Test selected innovations in different contexts
Small-scale pilot implementation and sustainability assessment
Adopt appropriate marketing policies
The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Nadine Nassif, visited the President of the Lebanese University, Prof. Bassam Badran, accompanied by the coordinator of the Lebanese team and head of the plant production department at the Faculty, Professor Lamis Chalak, and presented with him the work plan and the stages of implementation and thanked him for his continuous support for scientific and research activities at the Faculty of Agriculture.
President Badran stressed the importance of this project, its research value, the new technologies and the general scientific benefit it will provide at the national and global levels, wishing the team success.
Marwa Rima, from the Faculty of Engineering – First Branch at the Lebanese University, represented Lebanon in the "UNESCO Virtual Student Forum on Global Citizenship Education for Sustainable Development: Taking Action for Man and Planet" held online between 7 and 9 December 2021.
The forum was an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences among young leaders on education and citizenship and how to reach more just, peaceful and sustainable societies, in addition to discussing the role of formal education in that process.
Student Rima, the younger young leader of the Forum, presented a project on human rights and discussed it on the first day of the Forum with a number of participating students and international specialists.
"This experience changed my life, I always believed in change and today I am more confident in that and I see life from a different angle. We have to believe in ourselves, celebrate our little successes and remember that an inch of movement is better than a mile of intention."

Lebanese governmental strategy related to the 17 goals
The Lebanese University as a public institution for higher education, the only one in Lebanon, was involved in the Lebanese governmental strategy related to the 17 goals of sustainable development. Thus, the Lebanese University established several cooperation agreement with local and international NGO, Lebanese ministries and public institutions, in all areas and sectors, in particularly in sector involved by the sustainable development goals and related to health, education, industry, agriculture, climate change, gender equality, justice and strong institutions, as we can identify below, so the university could respond to the government and ministries needs regarding the higher education field, by providing studies, consultation, training experts, internship, and all the academic support in the limit of its capacities, knowing that the Lebanese University is funded by the government, so it has limited financial capacities.
Strategy related

The Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) has participated in several activities on SDG's organized by HE the Prime minister's office in Lebanon.
In addition, a number of activities were co-organized by the ISS and the United Nations Population Fund - United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) on the SDG5.
This report is a preliminary reading and a situational review of the "Agenda 2030" Sustainable Development Goals SDGs in the Lebanese context. It focuses in particular on SDG "5", which is dedicated to gender issues and gender equality.
ISS and UNESCO have worked together on issues related to gender within the SDG's.
Between the COVID-19 crisis and the Beirut Port explosion, the work of the Lebanese University Task Force (LUTF) unit was diversified throughout August 2020, in cooperation with the Disaster Risk Reduction Department (DRR) of the Lebanese Red Cross and a number of Local and international organizations, with the support of the Governor of Mount Lebanon, Judge Mohamad Makkawi.
In cooperation with the Lebanese Red Cross, LUTF team continues to follow-up on measures taken to prevent COVID-19 during the exam period at the Lebanese University, under the supervision of Dr. Roula Atwi, Dr. Elie Hadchiti, Dr. Mirna Attieh, and students Lynn Raad, Marc Bayyad and Maitham Yassin.
The Lebanese University develops and reviews international cooperation curricula and international practices that address the sustainable development goals, including the Office of Foreign Language Coordination, which regularly conducts an evaluation of its performance in cooperation with “Cambridge Assessment English”.
The Coordination Office for Language Teaching at the Lebanese University, in cooperation with the Research Center and the Center for Language Sciences and Communication at the College of Arts and Humanities, organized a virtual joint conference with Cambridge English Language Assessment ( CAE - Cambridge Assessment English ) entitled "Remote evaluation and its role in educational achievement", with the participation of researchers From colleges at the Lebanese University and University College London ( UCL - University College London ).
The general coordinator of the Office for the Coordination of Language Teaching, Dr. Maha Jarjour stressed at the opening of the conference the importance of presenting successful experiences for evaluation from a distance and introducing the academic body in higher education to the most important tools currently in place and how to use them in order to find solutions, even partial, to the crisis that education is going through with the Corona crisis.
Within the framework of the cultural month "Cultural Colors" launched by the Lebanese University - Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, under the high patronage of the President Fouad Ayoub, the Branch 3 received the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Lebanon, Baltabay Omarov and a number of employees of the Embassy.
For the occasion, the Faculty held a seminar on the perspectives and history of the Lebanese-Kazakh relations, which was attended by representatives of northern cultural organizations and associations, student associations and interested parties.
The Branch Director, Dr. Jacqueline Ayoub, welcomed the ambassador and thanked him for this instructive cultural visit.
Then, Dr. Jean Touma delivered a speech on behalf of the Branch, emphasizing the importance of this cultural month, which ends with a meeting with the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, and calling for the strengthening of the cultural and academic cooperation between the two countries.