3.2: Number of students graduating in health professions 

In order to understand how a university is supporting health professions, it is measured the proportion of graduates who receive a degree associated with a health-related profession out of the institution’s total number of graduates.  

This metric tries to show how the Lebanese University is contributing to the education of health professionals. 

The university has the following faculties :

In addition to three Doctoral Schools:  

Specifically, for this objective, we are interested in professionals in the health area, for which the Lebanese University has the following professions: 


In Faculty of Public Health: 

The Faculty of Public Health grants the following degrees: 

Bachelor Degree in: 


Bachelor honors Degree in: 


Professional Master Degree in: 


The Research Master in: 

In Faculty of Pharmacy: 


Diploma of Doctor in Pharmacy Practice 


Diploma of Doctor in Pharmacy: 

Professional Master Degree in: 

Research Master Degree in: 

In Faculty of Medical Sciences: 

The Faculty of Medical Sciences grants the following degrees: 


Doctor of Medicine; 

Specialization certificate in the following majors: 


University Diploma in: 

Diploma in Dental Surgery.  

Master degree in Forensic Medical Investigations, Catastrophy and Crime Scene Management. 

Specialized Doctorate in Dental Medicine. 

Faculty of Dental Medicine: 

The Faculty of Dental Medicine grants the following degrees: 

  Master degree in:Â