13.3.3.Co-operative planning for climate change disasters
Lebanese University promotes the follows actions to co-operative planning for climate change disasters
Lebanon’s National Biodiversity and Action Plan (NBSAP) 2016-2030 addresses Lebanon’s obligations under Article 6a of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is an update of the country’s first NBSAP issued in 1998. The revised NBSAP was aligned with the new CBD strategic goals and integrated the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets while taking into consideration both global and local needs and aspirations, as well as reflecting Lebanon’s specific realm and the current existing professional capacities and awareness levels.
One of the main objectives of the NBSAP is to mainstream biodiversity into sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies, plans and programmes. The NBSAP has been prepared through an interactive process of stakeholder consultation and approval translated into five workshops and several steering committee meetings.
An agreement between the Lebanese University and the Ministry of environment on 8 May 2014. (Agreement 13.2) aiming to implement joint research projects in the areas of environment, marine and terrestrial resources, biodiversity, water and air quality, pollution and natural and human hazards in Lebanon.
Some of our professors participate as expert and work with the government but this work is done individually. We have a deep collaboration with the National Center for Scientific Research CNRS.

The Red Cross Club organizes an environmental activity in Science 1
Some of our professors participate as expert and work with the government, and our students organize activities in this domain.
The second symposium organized by the Lebanese University - Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture (Department of Urbanism) in cooperation with the Departments of Contemporary & Arab Studies at the French Institute of the Near East on the topic "Is nature a political player?", was held on 13 February 2020 entitled: “Green Architecture: Greenwashing or human reconciliation with the environment?”, within the framework of a series of research seminars.
Chadi Atieh (University of Liège in Belgium), Aram Yartazarian (American University of Beirut), Christina Abi Haidar (Attorney) and Rouba Farah (Saint Joseph University), participated in this symposium.
Within the framework of the EU-funded “Aquacycle” project and with the aim of preserving and developing natural resources in order to achieve sustainable development, the Lebanese University and the “Real Estate Company for the Development of Tripoli North, SANABEL” signed a cooperation agreement related to wastewater treatment and reuse in the agricultural sector of the housing project of the company in Deddeh, Koura.