12.2.6.Ensure sustainable consumption and production patternsÂ
Lebanese University reduces the production of garbage and reduces food losses along the production and supply chains in order to improve the performance of all staff, faculty, and students. In this regard, the Lebanese University hosts government policies regarding minimization around the use minimization of plastic and these policies, as a public entity, should be extended to outsourced suppliers and the supply chain services.Â
Lebanon has a population of 5.6 million people in 2013 that produces 2,040,000 tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) per year. While the composition of the wastes is in majority organic (exceeding 50 %; this percentage varying between urban and rural areas, as well as between summer and winter, paper/cardboards and plastics constitute a significant proportion, with glass and metal contributing largely too. High moisture content is also prevalent in wastes, often exceeding 60%. It is considered that the MSW generation per capita varies from around 0.7 Kg/p/d in rural areas to around 0.85 to 1.1 Kg/p/d in urban areas, with a national weighted average estimated at around 0.95 Kg/p/d. The foreseen increase in waste generation is estimated at an average of 1.65% across the country; this growth is however highly unevenly distributed. Almost all of the MSW generated in Lebanon is collected by public or private haulers (99% in rural areas, 100% in urban); however, management varies from one area to another: 8% is recycled, 15% is composted (several treatment plants already constructed will be put in operation soon, hence increasing percentage), 51% is landfilled and 26% is disposed of in open dumps.
For the management of Municipal Solid Waste - SWM there are two specific legal instruments: Decree 8735 of 1974 assigns solid waste management as a municipal responsibility, and Decree 9093 of 2002 provides municipalities with an incentive to house a management facility for waste. The remaining elements of The legal framework provide authority for entities to act with respect to municipal solid waste or address other types of waste. The Lebanese University brings in compliance with these instruments for around use minimization of plastic Â
On January 15, 2019, the students at the Lebanese University - Faculty of Public Health (branch 2) began, three years ago, the initiative of proper management of generated waste after being surrounded by rotten and burning trash. They are sorting today for recycling and composting in the campus aiming not to add to the hundred thousand tons dumped in our nature and to reach the path towards Zero Waste.Â
On February 4, 2019, at the request of the administration and students of the Faculty of Engineering - First Branch at the Lebanese University (Environmental and Social Volunteering Club), the Fayhaa Municipalities Union provided two containers to sort waste from the source and it was distributed on the campus in the north.Â
According to the initiative launched by the "Engineering", the two containers were distributed on campus, provided that the faculties of engineering, science, and arts are able to participate in this mission, which takes into account the conditions for screening and preserving the environment in the university and society.Â
On February 13, 2019, the Environmental Scout Organization in Lebanon launched a new school campaign to raise environmental awareness in the field of waste sorting from the source for 2019, within the framework of the existing cooperation with the Municipality of Tripoli and the students of the Lebanese University - Faculty of Public Health. The campaign included a practical training activity on sorting, recycling and reuse, and an explanation of the risks posed by the wrong treatment of household waste, through interactive games and presentations by the participants.Â
In short, any solution to the problem of pollution and waste in Lebanon must be based on political will and long-term strategic planning, and not through technical, engineering and phased solutions.Â
The best and primary solution is for municipalities and municipal unions to take the initiative to sort waste from the source, starting with sorting organic and inorganic waste, provided that the work is monitored and organized by the municipal police.Â
Several municipalities have established laboratories for sorting their waste, such as Bikfaya, Abey, Ruwaisat al-Ballout and others, with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).