5.6.8. Policy of non-discrimination against women 

Lebanese University promotes Gender equality for the sake of enhancing Students' performance. 


(email: shakwa@ul.edu.lb)

 Every students and professor has a legal right to complain and may address this complaint in a registered letter to the President of the University without being viewed by any other person or through the administrative chain order. When necessary, ithe LU President forms nvestigation committees (administrative or academic) to consider the complaint. The committees raise the relevant report to the LU President who submits the report to the LU Council to take the appropriate decision.

“There is no doubt that society and its institutions’ disregard of sexual and gender-based violence is the most dangerous form of discrimination against women. As we launch the global campaign "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence", we renew our call on the nation’s members of Parliament to achieve equality between women and men in laws and to ensure effective protection for women victims of violence and their children in legislation. We also call on everyone to oppose violence and spread a culture of respect and preservation of human dignity”, said Mrs. Claudine Aoun, President of the National Commission for Lebanese Women [3]. 

Entitled Safety from violence is everyone’s right  (السلامة من العنف حق للجميع)the campaign (25 November- 10 December) will include a social media campaign which will run for 16 days, with the #SafetyIsYourRight  #السلامة_حقِّك  hashtags to call for women’s right to live free from violence. The campaign will include a 30-second video encouraging everyone to act in support of women and girls who are at risk or survivors of GBV [3].