17.4: Education for the SDG's
The Lebanese University as a body undertakes an education system taking into consideration the Sustainable Development Goals, evidenced by the distribution of the branches on all Lebanese territories (SDG 11), and by the fact that it comprises different and a variety of specializations serving all the of SDGs (among which society development, environment, health, education, sustainable development)
According to data collected by the UN and global media agencies, more than ten serious environmental crises occurred worldwide in 2019, most of them caused not by natural but human factors.
Accordingly, humanity is more than ever called upon to reconsider its relationship with the environment and reorganize the exploitation of its resources. As such, students from the Lebanese University - Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 3) formed the "Environment Club", from volunteers responsible for coordinating and developing environmental activities, responding to environmental challenges, and sharing innovative ideas and initiatives in favor of environmental protection.
Since its establishment at the beginning of 2018-2019 academic year, the club set a number of goals focused on transforming the university and its surroundings to eco-friendly places through a series of measures, including:
Sorting and recycling;
Maintaining drinking water and controlling pollution;
Planting trees and flowers at the university and in various districts of the city of Tripoli;
Raising student awareness on environmental health and encouraging them to consume natural resources responsibly;
Interacting with experts and stakeholders on environmental issues;
Preserving natural and cultural heritage in North Lebanon;
Cooperating and coordinating with various clubs and community organizations to develop joint activities.
The Lebanese University, through the Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration, Professor Selim Mekdessi, participated in an international webinar organized on 19 June 2020 by the College of Business Administration at the “University of Bahrain” entitled "Sustainable Environment for Sustainable Education: What path for the future?".
This webinar aimed at increasing awareness of the international community about SDGs 4, 5, 6, 13 and 15 through a group of international experts who offered a thorough background about the topics of Climate Change, Life on Land, Clean Water & Sanitation, Quality Education and Gender Equality.
In addition to Dean Mekdessi from the Lebanese University, Dr. Hanan Elguindy, UNDP Development Management & Leadership Expert, Dr. Erin Kelly, Associate Professor in Forestry at Humboldt State University, Dr. Paul Ouedraogo, Ecologist Expert and Director of Programs, Institute to Support Development (IAD), Dr. Hasan Youness, University professor and Sustainability & CSR Expert and Dr. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky, webinar organizer, all participated in the event.
A delegation from the Lebanese University - Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences, headed by the Faculty Dean, Dr. Ahmed Rabah, participated in the conference "New Research Dynamics in Society Development" held at RUDN University on 6-8 February 2020.
Dean Rabah was accompanied by the Director of Branch 1 and member of the International Relations Office, Dr. Badia Mazboudi, and Dr. Maha Jarjour, General Coordinator of the Office of Foreign Language Coordination at the Lebanese University.
On the sidelines of the conference, the delegation held a series of meetings at RUDN in the presence of its President, Vladimir Filoppov and the Head of the Arabic Language Department, Dr. Galina Lukyanova, and discussed the ongoing cooperation between them.
The work of organizers and volunteers in the Environmental “ECO CLUB” at the Lebanese University - Faculty of Medical Sciences is based on the principle that true citizenship places responsibilities on the individual.
The club established in 2011, has set in its priorities the creation of a dynamic and cohesive society capable of implementing sustainable initiatives to generate and enhance environmental awareness in the Faculty, campus and society in general, and has sought to be a forum for cooperative activities among its members and invest their skills and expertise to serve their environment.
Since eco-friendly clubs in universities are part of the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations within the 2030 Agenda, the “ECO CLUB” developed awareness about the close relationship between the environment and health by organizing awareness campaigns on the importance of waste sorting, recycling and mitigation and the impact of mismanagement on health.
The Lebanese University and Sustainable Development

Student Volunteering Programmes
Lebanese University halves the global food waste and reduces food losses along production and supply chains for the sake of enhancing all staff, the faculty, and students' performance. In this sense, the Lebanese University collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs.
The NGOs in cooperation and partnership with the Lebanese University, enable students to participate in the volunteering program.
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programs promotes volunteerism for peace and development through its strong partnerships and capacity to engage volunteers. As a national UN Volunteer serving with a United Nations agency you will make a positive impact while working alongside people from around the world, including international volunteers and other United Nations professionals.
Who are eligible to register and to be considered for national UNV assignments in Lebanon?
Lebanese nationals or legal residents in Lebanon with the status of refugee or stateless are eligible to register in the local pool.
What are the professional areas in demand in Lebanon?
Economics, finance, administration, Statistics and human resources
Business management, marketing and tourism
Information technology, and telecommunications
Crisis management, emergency relief operations and disaster risk reduction
Transport (Road and rail transport, transport planning and management)
Energy, environment and sustainable natural resources management
Agriculture, horticulture, forestry and agro-industry
Land mines and demining
Product safety, quality assurance and laboratory testing
Engineering (civil, mechanical and electrical), industry, construction and skilled trades
Legal affairs, Democratization, elections and governance
Community and civil society development
Logistics, inventory, and other premises maintenance/management services
Architecture and human settlements
Journalism, Communication, mass media and art
Development programs, technical assistance and volunteer management
Lebanese University halves the global food waste and reduces food losses along production and supply chains for the sake of enhancing all staff, the faculty, and students' performance. In this sense, the Lebanese University collaborate with NGOs to tackle the SDGs.
About research programs are available at the Lebanese University through:
Agreements for Ph.D. supervision or research program in the frame of the collaboration with European universities.
Erasmus mobility key action 1 in the frame of an interinstitutional agreement with European universities.
Development of Educational Resarces
Lebanese University halves the global food waste and reduces food losses along production and supply chains for the sake of enhancing all staff, the faculty, and students' performance. In this sense, the Lebanese University about the development of educational resources is participating actually in the Erasmus plus project: Innovative Digital skills aiming to innovate teaching methods for effective health education in Lebanon and Syria.
The Faculty of Information II at the Lebanese University invited UNIC Beirut to brief students about the UN in Lebanon with a particular focus on UNIC's mandate, as part of a course on media studies.
The Faculty’s second year students majoring in Communications and Journalism, learned about the UN agencies operating in Lebanon, as well as the Centre’s latest activities, particularly those held under the umbrella of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN-led campaign “Together”.
Participants showed interest in UNIC Beirut’s activities and their media coverage. Students also focused on how to apply for internships and vacancies at the Organization.