Local collaborations
The President of the Lebanese University, Prof. Fouad Ayoub, received in his office in the Central Administration Building - Museum, a delegation from the Federation of Arab Hospitals represented by a member of the Board of Directors of the Union, Mrs. Alia Abbas, and the Executive Director of the Federation, Mrs. Alice Yammine Boys.
The meeting discussed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Union and the Lebanese University, based on the Union's plan to transform part of its tasks into a mobile Arab academy that contributes to the development of health workers in Arab health institutions.
President Ayoub welcomed the proposed plan of the Union, which will inevitably benefit the Arab health sector and strengthen the role of the Union and the League in Lebanon and the Arab world.
It was agreed between the two parties to start drafting the terms of the memorandum of understanding for signature as soon as possible.

His Excellency the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, visited this morning the Corona Diagnostic Laboratory at the Lebanese University, and was received by the President of the Lebanese University, Prof. Bassam Badran, and the laboratory team.
The White Minister toured the departments of the laboratory, and was briefed by the President of the University on its equipment, the progress of work in it, the mechanism for issuing the results, and its needs to complete its task were deliberated.
Minister Al-Abyad praised the efforts of the Lebanese University in addressing the Corona pandemic since its inception in Lebanon, expressing his support and confidence in the laboratory as a state-accredited center for testing and follow-up epidemiological surveillance, stressing the importance of cooperation and integration between the Ministry of Health and the Lebanese University in various scientific and health fields.

The Lebanese University has produced fifty rooms with independent bathroom and kitchen in Rafik Hariri University City – Hadath, in order to accommodate the medical staff working in the "Corona Unit" at Rafik Hariri University Hospital and those wishing to reside outside their homes throughout the general mobilization period.
All health procedures and conditions that must be adopted were taken into account to maintain the safety of residents in those rooms.
The President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Bassam Badran, signed a cooperation agreement with the President of the Lebanese Red Cross, Dr. Antoine Zoghbi, at the Central Administration Building – Museum.
The signing ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Association of Full-Time Professors at the Lebanese University, Dr. Antoine Charbel, a number of deans and directors of faculties and institutes of the university, representatives of professors in its council, a group of university employees, members of the executive body and officials of the regions in the Lebanese Red Cross.
The celebration began with the Lebanese national anthem and the anthems of the Lebanese University and the Red Cross, then Dr. Antoine Zoghbi delivered a speech in which he thanked all those who contributed to the preparation of the agreement, headed by Dr. Antoine Choufani.
Dr. Zoghbi pointed out that the main objective of the agreement is to strengthen cooperation with the Lebanese University in several fields, highlight the image of integration, fortify and implant universal humanitarian principles, values and giving in the hearts of the young generation.
He said: "Our partnership today between the university and the association is the first page in the book of dedication, as we decided with knowledge and certainty to overcome our meager and bitter reality to walk steps that transcend the circumstance, the free mind and our national constants... We and you have withstood in the most difficult circumstances and we will continue cooperation to give hope to the marginalized and those suffering under various types of poverty and disability, and to legislate solidarity and internal and external cooperation to rationalize social, humanitarian and health assistance, and to strengthen spaces of convergence, strengthen bridges of brotherhood and to show the image of a homeland fenced by science, humanity and morals."
Dr. Al Zoghbi concluded his speech by saying:
"Congratulations to a university that has reaped its fruits
In the heart of every Lebanese its echo
History books about its men
And in all parts of the earth, its extent is not limited."
For his part, the President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Bassam Badran, delivered a speech in which he stressed that the agreement with the Lebanese Red Cross Society is the fruit of mutual meetings and visits, noting that cooperation between our two institutions has existed for a long time, whether through the Youth Club of the Red Cross in the university community - Hadath or the first aid courses organized periodically in some faculties, as well as keeping the ambulance teams abreast of the activities and gatherings that take place at the university, especially during the Corona pandemic...
President Badran said: "Three institutions that carry in their beating heart the name of Lebanon, strive to make a force out of weakness to protect Lebanon and the Lebanese from all ignorance, disease or danger: the Lebanese University, the Lebanese Red Cross and the Lebanese Army. They are institutions throughout the country and for the whole country. Greetings to these three institutions that protect Lebanon from all evil."
He added: "It was natural that we met together in an official framework signed by both parties, what we have in common is a lot. The Lebanese University, like the Lebanese Red Cross Society, is a scientific, cultural, developmental, health and social safety valve for the Lebanese society.
President Badran considered that in these delicate times of the nation's life and the difficulties it is going through at various levels, institutions and National Societies have a key role in maintaining the safety and cohesion of society to overcome these adversities and avoid heavy and sometimes destructive repercussions.
President Badran pointed out that the Lebanese University, which was ranked by international ranking institutions as (QS) in the first place in Lebanon in terms of the professional reputation of its graduates and the second place in academic reputation, competes with the most prestigious universities in Europe, America and the world, and will remain as the cedar of this country in the face of the most severe storms thanks to the sacrifice of its professors, employees and students, shining creatively to spread science and knowledge.
He pointed out that today's agreement is a general framework agreement that expresses the desire of the two teams to work together, but we look forward to expanding the area of cooperation and common spaces through communication and periodic meetings so that the university puts its scientific, academic and youth capabilities to support the Red Cross according to its needs in the broad areas of cooperation, and each college has points of convergence and cooperation in its specifics.
President Badran wished the Lebanese Red Cross to be more present at the university through its various departments and social, health and humanitarian activities, and to develop cooperation frameworks with the various faculties to serve the goals and needs of the two teams.
President Badran pointed out that the terms of the framework agreement with the Red Cross will be reviewed, expanded and developed annually and periodically to suit the needs and capabilities of each institution within the legal frameworks of each of them.
The President of the University concluded his speech by saying: "I am very happy to have you with us today, it is the meeting of the homeland with itself, and an affirmation of our engagement together in challenges, not only survival and continuity, but development, progress and prosperity."
The ceremony concluded with the signing of the agreement and the presentation of the Red Cross shield to the Lebanese University.

The Lebanese University, represented by its President, Dr. Bassam Badran, signed a cooperation agreement with Biotech, represented by its Chairman and General Manager, Mr. Pierre Salloum, under the title "Developing Laboratory Works in the University Health Center at Rafik Hariri Complex - Hadath".
The signing ceremony, which was organized at the Central Administration Building – Museum, was attended by the Minister of Health in the caretaker government, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, the representative of the Commander of the Army, Brigadier General Dani Bashrawi, the representative of the Director General of Public Security, Colonel Administrative Staff Joe Mezher, the President of the General Labor Union, Dr. Bechara Al-Asmar, the representative of the Ambassador of Belgium to Lebanon, Ms. Nada Abdel Rahim, the President of the Executive Board of the Association of Full-Time Professors at the Lebanese University. Dr. Antoine Charbel, President of the Lebanese University Staff Association Mr. Habib Hamadeh, Chairman of the Managing the Lebanese University Professors Solidarity Fund Dr. Rabih Makkouk, Director of the Mutual Fund Dr. Elias Haddad, in addition to the deans and directors of a number of faculties and employees of the Lebanese University.
After the national anthem and the anthem of the Lebanese University, the Director of the University Health Center, Dr. Elie Hadchiti, gave a welcoming speech to the attendees, pointing out that the University Health Center always seeks to occupy an advanced position among the primary health care centers in Lebanon in terms of quality and effectiveness to be a leading model in securing comprehensive health service for individuals, family and society, and today it is in the process of accreditation process (accreditation) with the Ministry of Public Health..
Dr. Hadchiti pointed out that this tremendous work would not have happened in light of the severe economic crisis we are experiencing today without the guidance, follow-up, support and keenness of the President of the University, Dr. Badran, who placed the center among the priorities of his strategic plan, and without the presence of a steadfast medical, health and administrative team that believes in the mission of the National University.
For his part, the Chairman and General Manager of Biotech, Mr. Pierre Salloum, pointed out that today we are celebrating a new phase of joint cooperation with the prestigious national academic institution, i.e. the Lebanese University, under the title "Effective Human Performance".
He said: "The agreement, which we are proud to sign today, will constitute a framework for cooperation and partnership between the two parties to stimulate human service and spread the culture of giving and awareness, especially that the Lebanese University always seeks to build the human being who provides service in word and deed for the public interest and contributes to the advancement of our society and enhanceits presence."
Mr. Salloum thanked President Badran and his team for their confidence in Biotech and its humanitarian role in spreading the culture of solidarity, solidarity and responsibility towards humans, stressing the implementation of the essence of this agreement with the latest means and technical technology for the benefit of the patient and society.
After that, President Badran delivered a speech in which he said: "We renew our meeting today, to announce a new achievement for the Lebanese University in addition to its previous achievements, which enter a new era aimed at harmonizing education, scientific research and participation in national development policies to enhance its social importance."
He added: "Community participation is one of the main objectives of the Lebanese University, and therefore, based on the principle of social justice, the Lebanese University provides distinguished higher education for all Lebanese according to the equation of "quality education at a low free cost." Quality education with the certificate of international rankings (QS) and (TIMES), which confirmed the excellence of the university in Lebanon and the world, especially in the indicators of academic reputation and professional reputation."
President Badran pointed out that in order to promote the principle of social justice, the university is heading today to develop its health centers in partnership with Biotech and with the support of the Ministry of Health, and thus works in accordance with Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to a standard of living sufficient to ensure the health and well-being of himself and his family."
President Badran added: "This trend comes as a necessary response to the difficult economic conditions that the country is going through and is reflected in the citizen's ability to secure health expenses in all their names, as the health services provided by the health center in the Rafik Hariri University Complex have contributed to reducing the high costs of these services, as about 6400,4000 families currently benefit from them at a rate of <>,<> services per month."
The President of the Lebanese University pointed out that these services would not have been effective without the great support of His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, and without the contribution made by the Chairman and General Manager of Biotech, Mr. Pierre Salloum, by equipping the laboratory and providing it with the necessary equipment to complete all laboratory work, stressing that it is a contribution of added value and doubling at the same time because it came in light of the stifling financial crisis that the Lebanese University suffers from.
President Badran pointed out that it must be recognized that the requirements for the development of the Lebanese University can no longer be secured through traditional budgets, in light of the difficulties and the increasing need for financial resources to develop and modernize research and educational programs, laboratories, equipment, and technology. The partnership model between the Lebanese University and the production and services sectors is a path followed by prestigious universities in America through creative business incubators, in Canada through centers of excellence, and in Britain through universities. Manufacturers.
He added: "What we are doing today in signing an agreement to develop laboratory work at the University Health Center with Biotech, and what we did last week in signing an agreement to manufacture electronic products with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and what we will do later, aims to promote a clear sustainability policy at the university as an essential step in the gradual transformation into a productive university by institutionalizing sustainability and ensuring its continuity in the future."
President Badran considered that the popularization of such partnerships will contribute to the revival of the local economy and scientific, cultural and social activities, which will help achieve the quality of education and enhance the professional capacity of its graduates, adding that we will work to include these projects all faculties and institutes of the Lebanese University.
President Badran concluded his speech by thanking His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, for his constant support for the Lebanese University with all its demands, and the Chairman and General Manager of Biotech, Mr. Pierre Salloum, who has done a lot and is still waiting for him and soon to operate (SNG) because of its paramount importance in the development of the laboratoryR. He also thanked Dr. Hadchiti for the efforts and sacrifices he made to make this experiment a success.e.
Then the Minister of Health in the caretaker government, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, gave a speech in which he recalled the stage of the beginning of the Corona pandemic and the cooperation between Rafik Hariri Hospital and the Lebanese University to confront it, so there was a key role for the trainee doctors at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the Lebanese University who stood with us in the hospital voluntarily in establishing the department that received the largest part of Corona patients, and then the role played by the university with the hospital under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health in addressing this pandemic through a laboratory The university, which was the most important laboratory in Lebanonto conduct corona tests."
The Minister of Health pointed out that despite the difficulties and challenges that the Lebanese University is going through, it is always in the process of innovation, and thanks to the private institutions that partner with the Lebanese University.

On the occasion of the World Physical Therapy Day and under the patronage of the President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Bassam Badran, the Faculty of Public Health organized the third annual conference on physical therapy, in cooperation with the Order of Physical Therapists, the Azm Research Center of the Higher Institute of Doctorate in Science and Technology and the Laboratory of Movement, Disability and Rehabilitation.
The scientific conference, which was organized at the Central Administration Building - Museum, witnessed a variety of presentations and seminars covering various aspects of physical therapy and the latest research and developments in this field.
This conference comes as part of the Lebanese University's efforts to promote science and health in society, and to encourage interaction between researchers and specialists in the field of physical therapy.

The Lebanese University registers a local patent in the field of medicinal plants and essential oils
The Lebanese University registered a patent in the field of medicinal plants at the Ministry of Economy and Trade / Lebanon (No. 12700) under the title:
Robustic natural essential oils based spray for insect bites treatment
The patent, registered with the Intellectual Property Protection Department at the Ministry on December 21, 2022, relates to the use of natural essential oils in a hundred percent safe and natural way in the manufacture of a natural topical treatment whose effectiveness has been proven in laboratory and clinically in treating allergies caused by insect bites and relieving itching and redness inflammation of the skin resulting from them.
Essential oils extracted from natural plants in Lebanon contain bioactive molecules that make them a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic alternative free of side effects.
The registered patent is part of the research conducted by Dr. Haya Hamed during her follow-up Master of Pharmacy Biotechnology at the Faculty of Pharmacy / Lebanese University under the supervision of Prof. Akram Hijazi and Prof. Edmond Shibli and in cooperation with the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Assem Al-Qaq.
The University has within its facilities Public Service Centers in order to deliver programs that improve health and wellbeing, among them are :
Lebanese Public Service Centers
Arab physicians were well-known throughout history, but few people are aware that dentistry was one of their priorities. They excelled in that field and developed therapeutic methods that are still the foundation of many techniques that are used today.
Today, following the astounding progress in dentistry, many specialized faculties have been established and many majors developed. Visiting the dentist is no longer a nightmare! Dentistry was established in the Lebanese University in 1983 under the aegis of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, before having an independent faculty in 1999. Even though it was new, it quickly made a name for itself of being in a prominent position among scientific and research communities. It is distinguished by highly effective education and leaves a positive impact on Lebanese society, which benefits from its preventive and therapeutic services. The Faculty puts a great focus on scientific research, considered the starting point for any progress in medical and professional practice.
Faculty of Dental Medicine Information
The ISO external audit committee granted the National Center for the Quality of Medicine, Food, Water and Chemicals of the Lebanese University the ISO 9001:2015 certificate with distinction, according to ISO international standards. The committee praised the accuracy of the quality system in the laboratory of microbiological analysis, which aims to examine samples of food and water and detect microbiological contaminants, achieving a maximum assurance of the test results’ quality and ensuring high performance of the Center services.
University Medical Center:
Department of Mother and Child Care
Department of Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy
Department of Radiology
Laboratory of Medical Analysis
Occupational & Speech Therapy Department
Specialized Clinic
Believing in the importance of community service to complement its academic and cultural role, the Lebanese University established in 2015 the University Medical Center in the Rafic Hariri University Campus – Hadath. The Center provides health care services to citizens at a nominal cost.
Nearly four years after its establishment, the Center is seeking to become a contributor to the improvement of indicators of access to and quality of health care in Lebanon, which has improved in recent years, through the services provided, including inspection, diagnosis, ongoing treatment, health awareness and prevention of diseases and wounds.
The Center, comprises the following medical specialties: family medicine, cardiovascular, endocrinology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, pediatrics and neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology, nutrition and diet, radiologist, and a laboratory doctor.
The University Medical Center includes:
The Medical Laboratory, The Department of Mother and Child Care, Department of Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy, Occupational & Speech Therapy Department (for children and adults), Audiology Department, Department of Radiology, Department of Pharmacy, which provides chronic and non-chronic drugs for almost free.
The University Medical Center is a Primary Health Care center that offers diverse health services at affordable prices.
This is achieved in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and with the YMCA organization to promote and participate in the education and skills development of the Primary Care Physicians
Systems therapy department , but n Chgala at the Faculty of Health - Branch Aalool at the Lebanese University field visit to fourth-year students to Mercy Medical Complex in the city of Tripoli.
The visit, which took place under the supervision of the head of the department, Dr. Sarkis Abi Tannous, included a tour of the various sections of the complex, accompanied by the director of rehabilitation in the complex, Dr. Rula Tot, the head of the rehabilitation unit in it, Katia Al-Qasifi, and the occupational therapist at the center, Lynn El-Khoury.
During the tour, students were introduced to all modern equipment, technologies, and methods of treatment used in the center's departments: specialized physical therapy (internal, external, and pediatric), occupational therapy and rehabilitation rooms, the sensory room, in addition to the approved workshops in rehabilitation.
The fourth year students of the Occupational Therapy Department at the Faculty of Public Health, Branch 1 of the Lebanese University organized an entertainment day in which they welcomed the children of the Kindergarten Department at the Islamic Orphanage, Aramoun Complex.
Children of the Kindergarten at the Islamic Orphanage
The various activities were characterized by a therapeutic and entertaining nature aimed at stimulating the sensory skills, motor skills and social interaction of the participating children and enhancing their independence skills.
University participated in the forty-fourth annual conference of the Doctors Syndicate (Building a safer health care system), which was held at the Safadi Cultural Center - Tripoli.
Doctors Syndicate
The club managed the STAND goal to introduce attendees to the Faculty of Public Health at the Lebanese University, and to explain the specializations available in the Bachelor's and Master's stages.
Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center
The agreement signed between Al-Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center (ZHUMC) and the Lebanese University makes ZHUMC the major teaching and research hospital for the Faculty of Medicine in Lebanon’s national university. Accordingly, residents coming from this faculty would benefit from wide exposure to a variety of diseases, to advanced laboratory and imaging facilities, as well as developed quality assurance programs. Faculty members are actively involved in the learning objectives and professional development of our residents, in addition to their important role in clinical training and didactic instruction. Meetings are planned throughout the year to discuss progress and adjust teaching programs as needed, with feedback evaluation of these programs from residents on a bi-annual basis.
Lectures, conferences, and seminars performed at the hospital are gathered and indexed in special booklets for the residents’ quick reference whenever needed. ZHUMC also continues to secure its residents and staff members with innovative advances, especially in the development of electronic medical files.
Agreement with the Lebanese University
The hospital’s hierarchical organization was revisited, and renowned neurosurgeon Professor Youssef Fares was elected to lead the hospital as its CEO and Chairman. Dr. Fares embarked on an ambitious project to expand the hospital’s services and increase its social impact. He was quick to forge a new affiliation with the Lebanese University’s Faculty of Medicine so that the hospital will serve as its main teaching and research hospital.
The Sahel General Hospital
The Sahel General Hospital was founded by Dr. Fakhry ALAME in 1983 and is considered as one of the biggest health care foundation in the southern suburb. The hospital is affiliated with the Lebanese University Faculty of Medical Sciences since 1985 and Beirut Arab University, Faculties of Medicine (2002) and Health Sciences (2015). The hospital aims:
To serve as an acute care hospital for its service area and as a regional referral center for general and specialized medical care services for all targeted areas of South Lebanon, the mountains, Bekaa, and the greater Beirut area
To continue being a full-time teaching hospital affiliated to the Lebanese University School of Medicine & Faculty of Health Sciences, Beirut Arab University, & others
Providing a clinical environment for academic programs in conjunction with educational institutions on a full-time basis, through housing the Lebanese University (between 55-60 rotating medical residents, fellows and interns/month) and on a rotation basis for other, Nursing/Midwifery/Laboratory/Radiology/Physiotherapy/Pharmacy and Dietary students
Accreditation & Privileges
SGH is classified as a University Medical Center by the Lebanese University School of Medicine and the Ministry of Public Health.
SGH holds the highest accreditation ranking by the Ministry of Health.
The management system at SGH is ISO 9001 certified since 2003.
SGH is an executive board member at the Lebanese Syndicate of Private Hospitals.
Rafik Hariri University Hospital
Rafik Hariri University Hospital (RHUH) is a leading teaching hospital affiliated with the Lebanese University and the American University of Beirut. It is prepared to be a post graduate establishment for medical specialization. Academic medicine, which combines education, research, and patient care, traditionally has been integral to the progress of medical advances and life-saving treatments. RHUH attracts leading physicians and surgeons; provides highly specialized services including burn, trauma and heart care; and treats patients with rare conditions. Physicians, Nurses and Paramedical professionals offer outstanding education to a large number of students who are trained to carry on the tradition of excellence and the commitment to innovative and compassionate care that are RHUH hallmarks.
With the outbreak of COVID-19, the LU was active at the individual and institutional levels. The LU formed an emergency committee to follow up on all matters related to the pandemic in order to protect the safety of students, professors and employees. LU also formed a workgroup named "LU Task Force" composed of professors and students of all medical and psychological specializations to cooperate with the Ministry of Public Health, the Lebanese Red Cross, public and private hospitals to contribute to the protection of the community against the virus. The residents and interns of the LU Faculty of Public Health were the only volunteers during the first 3 months of the outbreak to work at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital, which was the only public hospital hosting COVID-19 patients. At the individual level, a number of LU students and professors registered various inventions in the service of the hospitals and community, such as the Robot assisting patients and the respiratory devices financed by the LU and granted to the Rafik Hariri University Hospital.

The Lebanese University (LU) delivered two medical devices to Zahle Public Hospital on 30 May 2020, including a ventilator and a robot designed by students of the Faculty of Science (Branches 1 and 4).
President Ayoub stressed the importance of the devices in protecting medical personnel and reducing the transmission of coronavirus, highlighting the university’s cooperation with all ministries and thanking "MBI Al Jaber Foundation" for its contribution to the manufacture of the robot.
Launching an electronic program to track cases infected with Coronavirus, through cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Lebanese University.
On 9 April 2020, the Lebanese University (LU) and a number of partners in the Ministry of Economy & Trade registered “LUCOVID19” application , which will contribute in fighting COVID-19 transmission and limiting its spread. The app was submitted to the Minister of Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan who expressed his consent thereto.
The application will save time for the Ministry of Health carrying out tests for COVID-19 patients, and limit the number of suspected cases, by rapidly collecting the numbers of people who encountered the patient before he was diagnosed, which will reduce the possibility of spreading the infection in the coming months and help definitively contain the disease.
The developers explained the app functionality as follows:
Upon insertion of COVID-19 patient contact on LUCOVID19, the app schedules the phone number of people who met with the patient during the last 14-days period and who represent suspected cases. Accordingly, the Ministry of Health communicates with those people and urges them to perform PCR tests.
In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Minister of Public Health (MoPH), Dr. Hamad Hassan and the President of the Lebanese University (LU), Prof. Fouad Ayoub launched on 15 April 2020 the e-project that will contribute to reducing the spread of coronavirus.
Launched LUCOVID
During the launch event, Minister Hassan stressed the importance of scientific cooperation between MoPH and LU, pointing out that LU has more than a patent in the field of technology and information, which will be considered by WHO to support and encourage LU students to contribute to the development of the equipment needed to confront coronavirus. These robots will prevent any interaction between the medical team and patients who will receive medications and food automatically.
The spread of COVID-19 in the world in late 2019 and early 2020 has created a critical situation during which the LU has been a strong partner of the Lebanese government, especially as the virus has worsened the socio-economic crisis and its related sectors, including the medical and hospital sector, which is already suffering from a shortage of medical supplies. A situation that has worsened following the Beirut Port blast on 4 August 2020 and prompted the "Human Rights Watch" to demand more than once to solve the exchange rate crisis and provide medical staff with necessary resources.
After the detection of the first COVID-19 case in February 2020, the Lebanese University - Faculty of Medical Sciences formed a "Corona Unit" at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital, composed of 14 volunteer doctors who underwent several trainings enabling them to take care of patients, from the initial examination to the follow-up of the patient in the isolation room, in addition to their role in providing counselling and raising awareness on the pandemic and the means of prevention.
A team of interns from the Lebanese University - Faculty of Medical Sciences and graduates from the Department of Laboratory Sciences at Faculty of Public Health joined the Corona Unit. Their mission was to check the data of regular and COVID-19 patients, analyze their examinations and give their results, in addition to studies and research that the laboratory team conducts periodically.
Moreover, nurses from the Lebanese University - Faculty of Public Health volunteered to face the crisis by working at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital, Rafik Hariri International Airport, borders crossing points with Syria, or the Call Center of the Ministry of Public Health.
The hidden resources of the Lebanese University (LU) joined the front-liners at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital (RHUH), increasing the number of nurses and laboratory staff supporting “Corona Unit” from 14 to 17 doctors.
Corona Unit
Coronavirus Tests Analysis Laboratory Staff
The test results represent the main pillar for the doctors in the diagnosis or assistance to diagnosis, which requires work accuracy and result in confidence. To this end, a team of trained physicians from the FMS, including Fatima Jaffal, Darine Kharroubi, Mahdi Fadlallah, Firdous Safwan, Jana Mourad and graduates from the Department of Laboratory Sciences at the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) were assigned to this task, under the supervision of Dr. Rita Feghali (LU – FPH Professor).
Nursing Staff
The nurses of RHUH receive coronavirus patients with "smiles of hope", and bid farewell to those who recovered with "signs of victory”. The nursing staff’s course of action in fighting coronavirus as a battle with the available resources. They talked about touching situations with coronavirus patients or suspected patients (some arrive psychologically broken-down and others say that they do not want to die before seeing their family).
Call Center Volunteers
The work of volunteers from the LU - FMS, FPH and Faculty of Pharmacy and private universities is divided in two centers: Ministry of Public Health and the MoPH Epidemiological Surveillance Center in Ras El-Nabeh.
The mechanism of work in these two centers:
MoPH: The volunteers follow up with home quarantined people (from travelers) by contacting them to check and inquire about the development and evaluation of their health status.
Ras El-Nabeh: Volunteers receive phone calls to report health symptoms that may be related to coronavirus, inquire about the virus and its symptoms, inquire about the protection and sterilization method, or to file complaints with citizens not adhering to preventive measures.
A team from UNHCR and Amel Association joined the Call Center volunteers to answer inquiries from Syrian refugees and non-Lebanese people.
With the spread of the coronavirus and the increased number of patients in Lebanon and worldwide, the infection of the medical staff treating coronavirus patients posed a great challenge, according to officers of medical centers and hospitals.
With the COVID-19 outbreak and the number of people infected doubling in Lebanon and the world, a group of students of the Lebanese University - Faculty of Science proposed a robotic design to serve patients and protect the medical staff. In fact, two samples were delivered to the Rafik Hariri University Hospital in Beirut and Elias Hrawi Governmental Hospital in Zahle.
Amid this situation, a group of students from the Lebanese University - Faculty of Science, consisting of Hassan Badran (first-year Master in Informatics), Majd Dhainy, Hadi Zein El Din and Sami Shams El Din (3rd year, Informatics) and Zaher Chehadi (3rd year, Chemistry) under the supervision of Dr. Bassem Haidar and Dr. Siba Haidar decided to address the issue of robotics in the fight against coronavirus in Lebanon.
As a first step, the five students developed a prototype capable of replacing medical staff, serving meals, and administering certain medications to patients. The robot has been designed in the form of a rolling table, remotely controlled, and equipped with a camera allowing medical personnel to contact the patient by video call. Subsequently, the robot can be disinfected and is capable of performing additional tasks such as measuring the patient's temperature and moving autonomously.
The Lebanese University delivered on 6 May 2020, the V1 of the Robot “Lebot” to the “Corona Unit” at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital. Funded by the Lebanese University and developed by the students of the Faculty of Science in cooperation with “Rimo Manufacturing & Trading Est”, “Lebot” will be used to deliver food and medical supplies to patients or facilitate communications between the patients and the medical team via Video Call.
Robot “Lebot” to the “Corona Unit”
Minister Hamad Hassan considered that Lebanon today is distinguished on the international level by cooperation, mutual support, sense of responsibility and empathy. He considered this day as a "Technological Innovation Day” because this additional achievement for the Lebanese University students will be put in the service of patients and the protection of the nursing and medical body. Minister Hassan stressed that the cooperation was sponsored by the successful Presidency of the Lebanese University and encouraged by the Minister of Industry, adding that this achievement, even though difficult to obtain, was successfully attained despite all circumstances. On behalf of the Lebanese community, Minister Hassan thanked the team of the Rafik Hariri University Hospital who helped restore confidence in government institutions. He said: "We are living in a historical phase during which all government hospitals throughout the Lebanese territory are witnessing rehabilitation, and we call all parties to invest in the public sector and create a new approach for the country and the citizen".
Our heart goes out to the medical staff, the Lebanese Red Cross, and the students of the Lebanese University who are actively helping Lebanon face COVID19 on the ground with patients.
Lebanese Red Cross
In the intention to limit the spread of COVID-19 or the possibility of infections and in order to restrict its effects, the association of Youth for Innovation and Development – YIPpartnered with Kalimat Association and in coordination with CentreMINE at the Lebanese University, launch the COVID Project Initiatives - CIP that targets University and Secondary School students seeking any kind of guidance and aid throughout their project or semi-completed project.
CPI will adopt and support your project through:
Taking away the financial burden,
Providing you with the necessary guiding
and get you in touch with companies that may cooperate throughout your implementations.
Virtual international conference in physical therapy
The College of Public Health organizes a virtual international conference on scientific research in the field of physical therapy.
An international study on tuberculosis is based, in part, on research conducted by student Reem Bayaa in the Health and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at the Lebanese University.
The "We Are Your Own" initiative from the Lebanese University ends the first phase of the psychological evaluation of the victims of the Beirut Port explosion.
Minister Hassan on the Health and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at the Lebanese University: We note the high level of its medical and technical staff and the precise scientific standards that it adopts in the PCR examinations.
President Ayoub informs the volunteers of the LUTF Center on the mechanism of coordination with the concerned authorities to continue raising the effects of the port explosion disaster.
The Lebanese University Crisis Intervention Team (LUTF): a new philosophy in volunteer work and social solidarity in the service of Lebanon.
The Lebanese Red Cross will keep pace with the exams of the Lebanese University. Based on the coordination meeting of the National Committee for COVID 19 in the Governmental Palace, and based on the existing coordination between the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Education, and upon the request of the Presidency of the Lebanese University, teams from the Lebanese Red Cross will cooperate with cadres and volunteers from the Lebanese University keep up with the exams in all branches of the university.
Lebanese Red Cross
Dr. Ali Samaha from the Lebanese University completes two studies related to the psychological and social effects of COVID in Lebanon.
The Ministry of Health approves the Health and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory at the Lebanese University to conduct the tests for the detection of "COVID".
Laboratory Head Dr. Munther Hamza with technicians Professors Taha Abdo Nazih Lazhani during the release of the test results.
The LU continued cooperation with local organizations in the field of organizing blood donation campaigns.
In July-August 2020, the LU concluded cooperation agreements with 2 public hospitals and 1 private hospital.
The Lebanese University - UNESCO organizes the "Blood Drive" campaign in cooperation with "Donner Sans Compter" on 11 December 2019.
Blood donation campaign in union with the Lebanese Red Cross and the academic community of the Lebanese University.
The faculty of public health in association with the Lebanese Breast Cancer foundation, carried out a hair donation campaign at the Lebanese University for the creation of wigs for person with cancer.
Based on the objectives of linking the university with its environment, contributing to meeting the actual needs, and demonstrating the scientific and productive capabilities of its students, a cooperation protocol was signed in the Faculty Deanship, Furn Chebbak on 3 January 2020, between the Lebanese University - Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture represented by the Faculty Dean, Professor Mohamed Hosni El-Hajj and Sahel General Hospital represented by its president, Deputy Dr. Fadi Alama.
Pursuant to the protocol, the two parties agreed that first-year students of the Master’s degree in Interior Design (Branch 1) shall redesign specific parts of the hospital building, in coordination with professors Salam Fakih, Fida Hoteit, and Abdul Hassan Mushemish from the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture and Mrs. Reem Fakih, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Sahel General Hospital.